Dear Friends of Includes,
Blessed Greetings! We in collaboration with our DiD Partner from Taipei have just successfully conducted 5 mini Concerts in the Dark over a period of 4 days Oct 11-14 at our newly opened Dialogue in the Dark Exhibition at The Weld Jalan Raja Chulan. More than 540 people attended these Concerts which also included Orphans and the Visually, Mentally and Physically Impaired. It was certainly a Joy for us all at DiD watching such a inclusive mixed audience enjoying singing along and being impacted by this Beautiful Voices from Taiwan in the Dark ! The event was certainly well supported by our Media friends as it was featured on 5 Major local Chinese Daily, a popular Chinese Magazine, 4 local Chinese radio stations and a number of Blogs and YouTube channel that helped us sell out all the tickets to the 5 Concerts. In total we managed to raise RM 113,000.00 from this event, surpassing our initial target of RM 100,000.00 Because of your support as well, our group of 153 Visually and Hearing Impaired students will be able to continue their Online Tuition Programme for 2019 !
We thank GOD for these blessings indeed and May GOD Bless you all for continuing to support us. Thank You from all of us at Includes and DiD Malaysia and Taipei.
Warmest regards, Stevens Chan